Thursday, December 2, 2010

Worst punishment Kasab can ever get! Only India can give that!!

I was imagining how the lifestyle of terrorist Kazab would have been in the past. Being a terrorist, he must be used to do things faster and he must had been ruthless... would not have thought twice to take a life away. He must had been kept thinking about the next hour, rather than future or past. Had he thought about the past and his past activities he might not be a terrorist today. His life must had been running in fast-forward mode till he was caught in India.

Now that he is behind the bars; in the name of enquiry he is facing slower-than-tortoise paced Indian way of prosecution. It has been two years now, since he was caught. And this prosecution will go on... for few more years. Considering the nature of a terrorist, this process is going to bore him to an extend that he might even die of depression. I feel the judgement is already written when he was caught. Wondering what the judgement is, its nothing but, "Bore by the indian law until dead", which would be more horrifying for a hyper-active natured terrorist than "Hang by the neck until dead". Somehow justice should prevail :)

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